Free Network Assessment

Yes, Count Me In for a Free Customized IT Optimization Plan And Umetech IT
Systems Security And Performance Assessment

We don’t charge for this, all it requires is a 30-60 minute meeting with me and one of our top IT consultants. With nearly 27 years of experience in this industry, we have invented a proven method to assist companies like yours in optimizing their IT systems for optimal performance and functionality.

After completing this Free Assessment, we’ll have the answers of your top questions, such as:

  • Are your IT systems secured enough from hackers, viruses and rogue employees?
  • Are your backups configured in a proper manner to ensure the back up and recovery process works fast after a disaster?
  • Are you unknowingly exposing your company to expensive fines and legal actions under new California data breach laws?
  • Would adopting more cost-effective and efficient cloud computing technologies help reduce IT expenses and enhance remote work capabilities?
  • Are your systems fine-tuned to achieve optimal speed and performance? (It’s worth noting that in our experience, 99% of the computer networks we assess are not.)

Once we have a comprehensive understanding of your IT systems’ current state, health and performance, we’ll craft a tailored IT Optimization strategy and deliver that. This will show you how to get rid of every single persistent issue enable you to work faster and easier and reduce IT expenses wherever possible.

At The End Of This Assessment,
One Of Three Things Will Happen:

You love the plan and decide to act upon it independently. In that scenario, we’ll wish you the best of luck and request you to keep in touch with us to share your progress.

You love the plan and are interested in becoming our client, allowing us to personally assist you in implementing it ASAP. In that scenario, we’ll exceed your expectations … and that’s a promise.

Or finally…

In the rare and unexpected scenario where you feel your time was not well spent and we fail to enhance your situation significantly, we will promptly issue you a $100 check. Your time is invaluable, and we deeply respect that. No questions asked, just our commitment to your satisfaction. Until today, we’ve NEVER received feedback indicating that we’ve wasted anyone’s time, so this gives me complete confidence making this guarantee to you.

Think about this…

The “worst-case” scenario? You receive $100 for spending an hour with an independent third party to validate and review your computer network’s security, speed, and health.

The best that can happen is we collaborate to take all IT complaints off your plate.

Simply Fill Out The Form At The Top Of This Page To Get Started!

Sign Me Up For
Free Assessment

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“Lake Hemet Municipal Water District”! 

If someone were on the fence about choosing Umetech, I would tell them to take them for a test drive. If given the opportunity, Umetech will show that they are the right team for the job and will work hard for your company.  

 San Luis Rey, Water Authority

 “FCP Barns and Buildings “! 

The safety and security of a company’s data is probably one of the biggest challenges facing businesses of all sizes today. Umetech’s approach to security has depth and is well managed at a high level.